I was so excited to receive my Blisscovered Box yesterday that I cancelled all my program which included Shopping (yes Shopping too) also so that I don’t miss courier boy …. and finally when I got it, I was like WOW … Precious purple box with lovely surprise product … Though I had little idea of what I should expect from Feb box as few bloggers from Mumbai already received there box two days back and I got it yesterday … no complains as I was still excited to check my surprise … So let me introduce to my Feb precious Blisscovered box
Cute Purple box …
Personalized letter .. I am already felling precious ….
Product details present in box along with my Name mentioned
Discount Coupon for purchasing full size product
And here's my surprise and My Goodies … I love them
Chambor Stay-on Waterproof Eye Pencil in Navy Blue (Full Size 370 Rs)
Forest Essential ..Honey & Vanilla Bath and Shower Oil (Full Size 200ml for Rs. 975 …Got 50ml which is for 244 Rs.)
Omved .. Tired Foot Soak (Full Size 100gm for Rs. 300 …Got 40 gm which is for 120 Rs.)
Shiseido .. White lucent intensive spot Targeting Serum (Full Size 30ml for Rs. 4400 …Got 9ml which is for 1320 Rs.)
The Nature’s Co. … lemon Peel Exfoliating Body Wash and Coffee Face Scrub
(Full Size Body Wash 250ml for Rs. 775 …Got 10ml(two tube of 5 ml) which is for 31 Rs.)
(Full Size Face Scrub 125ml for Rs. 525 …Got 5 ml which is for 21 Rs.)
I love all products .. Shiseido is something I am simply loving from first use ..its excellent … they have provided 9ml quantity and I'm loving it ..thanks a lot blisscovered team for sending nice quantity .. I needed this serum badly.
I always want to try The Nature Co. Coffee Face scrub as heard lot about it but as my skin is sensitive, I was not willing to spend 525 Rs. for a scrub but now i can try it and can purchase from blisscovered if it suit my skin .. WOW.. I know its just 5 ml but its okay for 4–5 wash and guide me to decide
Omved tired soak foot is excellent quantity to try, I will review once I try it ..
I also wanted to purchase body oil and see blisscovered sent me body oil of Forest Essential and it has so sweet vanilla fragrance ..I am already in love with its fragrance …
I got Chambor Navy blue waterproof eyeliner and its good too, but only problem was that it had broken led. I mailed Blisscoved and got prompt response. They displaced new eyeliner yesterday itself … I simply appreciate the way they treat their customer with best of service ….
So from my above comments its clear that all products what team has sent me are useful and I am looking forward to try them and review them so that someone can be beneficial too by my review … though reviews can vary depening upon skin type and preference…
I have paid 700 Rs. for this box and the product which I received are for 2106 Rs. .. ohhhh … I just love this box content and have already ordered for next month too … One more thing, I got coupon also for purchaing full size product directly from blisscovered site that is 300 Rs. off for purchasing more than 1000 Rs. product and 100 Rs. off for purchasing 500 Rs. product …. isn’t that great ..its like they help us try new products and then provide us platform where I can purchase product using discount coupon …
To register yourself for March Blisscovered Box click here. I will review all products after a week of usage ... so stay tune
Wow.. These products are so indulging...
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